MTV troll police 13th January 2018 full Episode.

Watch MTV troll police full episode by MTV India.

 MTV troll police is a reality show where the trollers are faced with celebrity. watch full episode here.

MTV recently launched a show called Troll Police in which celebrities will arrive their trollers and discussing the bullying behind it. First episode of the show aired on Saturday in which Taapsee arrived with her troller Ashish, who would troll her on various social media platforms for wearing bikini or short dress in accordance to him. The motive of the show is to understand the psychology behind trollers and how it affects the lives of the one being trolled for no reason. Trolling is just an online extension of hardcore bullying and mainly the reason for such is to make yourself feel superior or evoke a response.

Celebrities are trolled on everyday basis by hundreds of followers and since social media is an integral part of professional life one has to access it and can not skip through the buffoonery. People want to evoke a response from the celebrity they like and hate is the way one picks. Psychological researches has been done on trollers or bullying in general and the anonymity behind internet makes it easier for people to yell abuses as it is a cowardly behaviour.

Trolling is clearly affecting the mindset of generation who is growing up on social media as they might end up feeling that it is alright to be nonsensical to other people who are achievers and they are not. Troll Police will feature one celebrity with his/her troller  per episode to investigate the possible scenarios which might have triggered a troller inside a person. Since trolling is an online phenomenon, it is important to draw parallels from real life. A Scenario could be assumed where a person is getting bullied in real life, from his teacher or workplace boss and than comes out on social media to take his anger out on famous celebrities because who is stopping and trollers are so many that it is almost impractical to take an action against them.

Show Telecast Timings:
Tv Show Name :- (Troll Police)  hosting by Rannvijay
Channel :- MTV India
Genre: Youth
Start Date: 13 Jan 2018
Day :- Saturday
Timings :- 7 PM